Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK shifters

Numerous Dash Warning Lights Coming On & Going Off

I removed the clamps and have them soaking in vinegar overnight. I have a battery terminal tool cleaner as well and will clean the posts a bit. If all else fails I might buy a battery and see if that does the trick even though Autozone told me the battery was good.
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The terminals are tight and I cannot wiggle them. Heck, I have to insert a flathead in the gap to spread them apart enough after loosening the bolt to get them to break free. If you feel the terminals need replacing would these work well?
I think your current terminals should be fine. They and the battery posts just need to be shined up with a wire brush or some sandpaper. I tend to tighten mine to the point that it stretches the lead clamp a bit more every time, I think these lead ones have a limited number of uses. I've removed and re-installed mine so many times that I had to cut the gap with a grinder to make them work again.

P.S. Remember to use the right personal protective equipment when working with lead, I hear that stuff it pretty toxic.
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I removed the clamps and have them soaking in vinegar overnight. I have a battery terminal tool cleaner as well and will clean the posts a bit. If all else fails I might buy a battery and see if that does the trick even though Autozone told me the battery was good.
If you use vinegar; make sure to neutralize it afterwards with water and baking soda. If you leave any vinegar residue on metal it will corrode like crazy the next time it gets wet
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If you use vinegar; make sure to neutralize it afterwards with water and baking soda. If you leave any vinegar residue on metal it will corrode like crazy the next time it gets wet
Alright, I cleaned more and put brand new terminals on. What do you guys think?

I only connected the factory positive and negative cables to eliminate interference from all my other accessories. I will try and go drive it at lunchtime to see how it performs.


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It's hard to tell but when you cleaned the cable ends did you use sand paper or a wire brush and clean until they were shiny?
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I ended up putting the freshly cleaned factory oem clamps back on with tons of cleaning on the battery posts and hooked all wires back up and took it for a 5-minute spin and no lights or anything anymore! I hope it does not come back or anything like that. Thank you to everyone for your help! you all rock!
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK shifters