Do you really want to know. Ugh today is yet another couple FIXES on my JKU (last month it was EGR, O2 Sensors, muffler leak, evap leak, in addition to the 100 hundred other fixes/upgrades I have done over the last 5 years).
Sick of this car but my son wants to keep it as he thinks it will be a "classic" eventually. Hard to let it go after all the fixes and getting it "right" but just can't trust it and deal with the ongoing stress of always waiting for the next thing to break. It looks GREAT, has $170K and runs excellent (for now). Put it up for sale and maybe the market has changed but very few takers (and I live in a major metro area). What sucks about these is, most people do nothing to them and end up posting them for sale beatup, while those of us who take care of our stuff are brought down by the value of those comparables. Very few people buying these understand the value of all the upgrades and fixes solving the major issues with these cars - so they don't value them - I'm not talking wanting to get value out of upgrades like crazy lifts or cosmetic grills, etc.. but things like new starter, fuel pump, suspension (control arms, etc), EGR, manifolds, etc, etc,etc. I love this car but ffing hate it at the same time.
1) Was getting a wobble so checked my trackbar and sure, enough, holes are ovaled out (damn) so bought a new/used Rough Country trackbar ($30), bought step weld washers ($20), bought a welder & mask ($125), new bolts ($40)... gonna have to drill out the ovaled holes and weld in the step washer. Will be a good fix and upgrade after all said and down but just another PITA.
2) Pulled of the rusted fuel tank skid and replacing with an upgraded aluminum skid. Again, will need to figure out w way to weld to a couple rusted broken bolts to get them out before i can finish. What a PITA.
Want to get rid of this car but almost inclined to keep it for all the fixes and upgrades I have into it. It sucks and doesn't suck at the same time.