I hear you (no pun intended) on the tinnitus. Too much farm and road construction work during HS and college summers and concerts, loud stereos and bars during college. I usually wear ear plugs when I drive very far with the windows and sunroof open on our SUVs.Tinnitus
Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no corresponding external sound is present. Nearly everyone will experience a faint "normal tinnitus" in a completely quiet room but it is only of concern if it is bothersome or interferes with normal hearing or correlated with other problems. Wikipedia
My Tinnitus is loud and constant and permanent. I figure ten years of wind blowing in my ears while driving an open side Jeep has something to do with that. It's a good theory anyhow.
If you choose to open your Jeep, keep the back closed so dust isn't sucked toward the windshield and make you dirty and screw up your eyes. And lungs.
Nothing is as much fun and freeing as driving stripped down.View attachment 117945
Thanks for the tip on keeping the back closed.