Having dealt with warranty claims, in another industry, Jeep's position is going to that the LPW has zero monetary value. It was provided to you free of charge and, thus, there is not depreciation schedule to show future (current value). You are an anomaly, in their minds, as the warranty was not transferrable and folks just don't keep vehicles for long periods anymore. Kudos to you!
Be sure to read the paperwork carefully, there are likely clauses for this situation. Also, I know Jeep says Lifetime means Lifetime, but in my industry Lifetime mean the average lifespan of the product. If Jeep defines "Lifetime" as 15 years, the cliff could be coming.
Google lawsuits related to this warranty, there are several. If you sue them, a Judge is going to use these prior cases as basis for how you should be compensated, if you win.
In my mind, Jeep owes you one of two things, either a Jeep in good running order or the monetary value of parts & labor required to repair the Jeep. If they repair, your warranty should continue. If they give your the cost of repair, you keep the Jeep, but your warranty is void (because they didn't do the repair). Another option is for Jeep to work with the dealer to get you into another Jeep at no cost to you. That would be a stretch, but I think all cards are on the table.