JScan App

I was watching mine on the JScan yesterday and the max was 213 driving at 60mph or so and curves and hills on the Oregon coast also the outside temperature was around 65 I only have 17000 on the clock
Hmmmm...honestly...with it only having 18k on it, this shouldn't be happening. If i was in your shoes I would take it to the dealer and make them figure it out (as long as you are under warranty still. I think its 6 years? maybe its 5?).
Well it is a 2015 and was Certified (for whatever that is worth), but we ended up getting service contract (i know there are a variety of opinpions about those) so I can take it and see. It for 6 years 75K miles so have time. As stated if I didn’t have the ultra gauge connected to the OBDII port I wouldn’t even be giving all this a second thought as the needle barely moves.
I checked the radiator and reservoir tank, both where they need to be. Went 4 Wheeling again yesterday. Elevation was between 4,500 up to 7,600. For a good portion of it I was in four low temps stayed around 210 and under. When back on the road depending on gear and incline it would climb to 226-228 but drop right back down again. I’ll just be keeping an eye on it.

I will say that Rubi is a beast! Up an incline and moderate size rock crawling it moved along like it was nothing. My sister even made a comment “This Jeep is much better then your old one (1987 wrangler). The biggest challenge was picking the right line to not hit the underside. I did a few times but the skid plate I installed seem to be working really well and cover basically all the engine, transmission, and transfer case is protected.
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