Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators

2008 JKU "Argenta" Build Thread

Eh, it's a 17 year old Jeep with 211,000 miles... bound to have some issues :)

Ya, mine is a year older than yours. Lots of little things to track down. I think changing the clock spring is the key to most of the JK’s problems. I’m going to change mine for good measure. Maybe my cruise control, airbag light and the other trouble codes issues will be solved.

I went through similar stuff with other Jeeps too. It’s part of the fun.
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very excited to see the details of the turn stalk and clock spring project. Not that the axle swap is second rate lol.
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I think changing the clock spring is the key to most of the JK’s problems. I’m going to change mine for good measure. Maybe my cruise control, airbag light and the other trouble codes issues will be solved.

That's basically what I'm seeing as well... I almost did it when I fixed the horn switch, but wanted to confirm that the switch was indeed the issue. I should have done it anyways.

I went through similar stuff with other Jeeps too. It’s part of the fun.

*Laughs in LJ ECM issues*

very excited to see the details of the turn stalk and clock spring project. Not that the axle swap is second rate lol.

Should arrive tomorrow if I can trust the UPS tracking #... with any luck, I'll have good confirmation that it's working again and will drive it for a few days before bringing back into the garage. I hope to get the gearing done soon and may start looking for a set of wheels and tires I can live with...
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It's been a minute since I got to work on the Jeep. Since getting back from our trip and through the holidays, it's just been busy...

I did run into a slight issue with the Jeep. During one of the snow storms, I was coming up my steep and freshly covered driveway. It caused the traction control to engage, and likely the BLD, and eventually made it up without much issue. About a day or two later, I was driving my Jeep to the school to pick up my son, and the dashboard lit up like a Christmas tree...

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I thought maybe I had ripped out a sensor while I was slingin' snow getting up the driveway. I did a walk around and nothing looked wrong. Parking and turning off the Jeep reset everything and it appeared fine. However, now every time I drive, once I get above 10-11 mph, the Christmas Tree lights up again. It was extra cold and a snow-filled few weeks, so I figured I'd just let it go and deal with it once the cold snap ended.

View attachment 128883

Fast forward a few days and I was driving through town, stopped at a stop light, and my horn started blaring, my windshield washer pump squirted for 2-3 seconds, and the wipers started. By the time I realize wtf was happening, it all stopped. However, the transmission would not shift out of 2nd gear. It would go into PRN and D, but it would simply not shift out of 2nd gear in D, 2, or 1 on the shifter.

A few days later, while I was parked in my friend's driveway, the horn started blaring, washer pump sprayed almost the entire container dry, and the wipers were going nuts. The Jeep also turned the motor off. I turned the key off, everything stopped, and when I restarted, it was like nothing happened.

Needless to say, I haven't been driving the Jeep for a little while. Now that it's supposed to warm up a little bit (yay, no longer single digits!), I've pulled it into the garage to let it thaw out some and hope to get to working on it. Based on what I've read, the likely suspect is the clockspring. I'll be ordering a new one shortly and hope this fixes the issue. I've heard that the TIPM could also cause similar issues, though all indications here suggest the clockspring is the most likely problem. I did use JScan to check the steering angle and there were a few times where the angle did get erratic and bounced all over the place, though it mostly acts like how you would expect - further evidence that it's like something internal. I'll replace the turn signal stalk while I'm in there, since it doesn't want to "lock" when turning right.

If the weather cooperates, I think I may start on the axle swap sooner rather than later. I still need to throw the gears in the rear, but I'll try to get that done this weekend. I still need to find a machine shop that can cut the lip necessary for the tone rings, but one step at a time I suppose...

Crazy stuff!!

Got the Dorman Clockspring installed, as well as the new turn signal, and although it no longer clicks when turning the wheel, and my turn signal actually stays locked during a turn, it did not fix the error with the ABS/Christmas lights.

I'm about 98% sure it's the ABS module at this point in time. I found an older forum post where people were giving some advice on how to test. If i restart the Jeep (which resets all the ABS lights) and mash the gas on a dirt road, the traction control kicks in and does its thing. Continuing to accelerate past 10 MPH and the ABS/traction light stays off. If I brake hard on dirt (to engage) ABS, the lights come back on and the system is disabled. I can repeat this many times and the same thing keeps happening, suggesting the fault within the ABS module. Looks like that's my next thing to replace...


The weather appears to be breaking some, so I began prepping the 14B for gears. Got the housing stripped and cleaned out. I can't find my Wheatstone set, so I had to ordered some new ones from Amazon. Once those get here, I'll finish prepping the ring gear and new Richmond Powertrax Pro Grip carrier. I hope to have the gearset fully installed this week and can then move to getting the hubs machined for the tone ring.
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators