Tough Trail Day and Fender Recommendations?

Frog lube

Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2021
Tough day on the trail today. Ripped off three of four stock fenders and got a 4” side wall gash in one of my new-to-me MS Patagonia 38” M/T’s. Was able to cable tie two of the fenders back on and threw the forth in the back as it didn’t have any clips left. I seem to completely lose, or partially lose, a fender almost every time I go out. I live in the PNW and all those trees…

So time to replace the fenders. Thinking about tubulars but I’m open. Poison Spyder doesn’t make fenders anymore? What do you all recommend? Whatever I get are going to have a hard life, so I value durability over anything else.


Rough day indeed.
I was going to throw out I love my Poison Spyder fenders. Wasn’t aware they discontinued them. Evo makes near identical sets.
I’ve seen enough of the Patagonias failing in the rocks to steer clear. Mud, sand & snow they sound like they are good. But rocks always seem to bring out their flaws.
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Looks like you had a great time, glad to see it.

I just installed genright fenders on mine, I love the way they look but have not had them on the trail yet. They replaced MCE fenders, which were great, they do what they say they do. Going from plastic to aluminum (or any metal tube) you have to consider they aren't going to flex when rubbed up on a tree or a rock.

Good luck
Looks like you had a great time, glad to see it.

I just installed genright fenders on mine, I love the way they look but have not had them on the trail yet. They replaced MCE fenders, which were great, they do what they say they do. Going from plastic to aluminum (or any metal tube) you have to consider they aren't going to flex when rubbed up on a tree or a rock.

Good luck
As a friend explained to me when I first got into off-roading, the point of maximum fun is the instant before it breaks. Word.
As a friend explained to me when I first got into off-roading, the point of maximum fun is the instant before it breaks. Word.
The only caveat to that is when the point of breakage becomes the story you tell for years to come...

At least, that was my experience from auto racing.
You reside in the PNW. Just across the Juan De Fuca straight from me. Vancouver Island .
The trails your running are probably similiar to whet we have going on . Logging roads, deactivated logging roads , forestry service roads and a few old mining trails.
What I've experienced is several trails look good on Gaia maps.
When your actually there close in with over growth cause just not used anymore by anyone .
Some of the sketchy over grown trails are passible without to much pin stripping . Even running mag Armour it's not uncommon for me to turn around when the trail gets to over grown with bushes and trees.
Thousands of KM's of trails to explore just on the island alone . It's part of exploring new areas. Gates or closed in trails . Look for something else.
Cause it kinda sounds like your going into quad or motorcycle trail territory. We have many of those as well. Busting off 3 fenders in one trip and your statement about it happening all the time .
Makes me think your going up the wrong trails for a Jeep.
Metal fenders are great but arm't going to help when you rub up against a tree. You will either dent the fender or worse pull or dent body where. fenders attach.
IDK I"m not there and not trying to sound like a douche .
Maybe be a bit more selective on where you go?

As far as Patagonia tires go. They were giving them away for a couple years to the
popular youtubers to get promoted. Think the consensus is not so good.
As don"t think the you tubers are using them anymore. There are far more durable
and better tires out there.
You reside in the PNW. Just across the Juan De Fuca straight from me. Vancouver Island .
The trails your running are probably similiar to whet we have going on . Logging roads, deactivated logging roads , forestry service roads and a few old mining trails.
What I've experienced is several trails look good on Gaia maps.
When your actually there close in with over growth cause just not used anymore by anyone .
Some of the sketchy over grown trails are passible without to much pin stripping . Even running mag Armour it's not uncommon for me to turn around when the trail gets to over grown with bushes and trees.
Thousands of KM's of trails to explore just on the island alone . It's part of exploring new areas. Gates or closed in trails . Look for something else.
Cause it kinda sounds like your going into quad or motorcycle trail territory. We have many of those as well. Busting off 3 fenders in one trip and your statement about it happening all the time .
Makes me think your going up the wrong trails for a Jeep.
Metal fenders are great but arm't going to help when you rub up against a tree. You will either dent the fender or worse pull or dent body where. fenders attach.
IDK I"m not there and not trying to sound like a douche .
Maybe be a bit more selective on where you go?

As far as Patagonia tires go. They were giving them away for a couple years to the
popular youtubers to get promoted. Think the consensus is not so good.
As don"t think the you tubers are using them anymore. There are far more durable
and better tires out there.

Nah, I take your feedback positively. I am going on very popular jeep trails that are sponsored/maintained by Jeep clubs (actually owned by the statute park system). Like Walker Valley OHV, Evan’s Creek OHV, etc. I have original plastic fenders with those plastic clips and they won’t take much tree contact at all. Maybe my driving skills need some improvement too, haha. And I’m wheeling in forests so tree contact is inevitable. Pretty sure I’m done with Patagonias at this point but going to talk to a couple of shops about options.
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If you consider the pros and cons, having the fender push off is probably the better solution. It's likely more trouble, but cheaper to replace the clips, and maybe a fender than requiring full-fledged body work.
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I’ve hit the fenders a few times and am glad they were plastic. One got hole punched in it, the other one just flexed some. I prefer that option than possible body damage. But there are a lot of metal fenders used, including my wife who wanted a set. I do think in general the metal fenders look much better though. I know some people who simply cut and trim their plastic fenders to the shape they want and have pretty good results, which is what I may do one day.

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Good point. In spite of my fenders being moderately abused, I can just hose them off at the car wash, load up new clips, and pop them back on. I just wish they didn’t come off so easily, especially the front ones. Maybe just trimming them is the way to go.
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Nah, I take your feedback positively. I am going on very popular jeep trails that are sponsored/maintained by Jeep clubs (actually owned by the statute park system). Like Walker Valley OHV, Evan’s Creek OHV, etc. I have original plastic fenders with those plastic clips and they won’t take much tree contact at all. Maybe my driving skills need some improvement too, haha. And I’m wheeling in forests so tree contact is inevitable. Pretty sure I’m done with Patagonias at this point but going to talk to a couple of shops about options.

Could you send the Jeep club over to the island to clean up my bush um er trails . Lol
I’ve lightly rubbed up against trees ,snow burms and bushes etc . Haven’t had issues with them falling off
I’m wondering if maybe the clips are worn ? As I imagine over time the clips losing their holding power especially if clipped off & on several times Try new clips .
You mentioned looking at new tires . I would highly recommend the BF Goodrich K02 . I’ve had it in all sorts of terrain Never skips a beat and tough .
I’m running C load . Sone guys are running E loaded on here .
Personally think the E load is kinda stiff so a bit subjective .
C = 6 Ply
E= 10 Ply
I’m re-clipping all the fenders tomorrow so we’ll see if it helps. Funny you mention KO2’s. That’s another tire like MS that people either love or hate. I guess every tire has it’s proponents and detractors. A lot of people in my club run Cooper SST Pro’s but they are hard to find.
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