Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators

Power steering problem


New Member
Jul 22, 2020
Have A 2014 JK 44,000 miles no mods.
issue is no power steering below 1000 rpm. Replaced pump still same problem. When I first start Jeep power steering works. After about 5 min starts same problem no power below 1000 rpms. turn off engine let sit for a hour then start again power steering works for 5 minutes then stops again.
any help?
Something is effecting the pressure, which could be anything from something in the reservoir preventing the valve from closing all the way, hence building no pressure, as mentioned above; to a leak in a hose, to a bad pump. The pressure should be between 80-120 or so at idle at the pump output line and the steering wheel untouched. Turning the wheel a couple times in succession will crank the pressure upwards of 1000-1300 psi.
Open the hood and have someone turn the wheel in both directions and listen for the pressure build. Also look for a leak around the reservoir or along a hose line when it's supposed to be under pressure.
Eliminate the easy stuff first, because a new pump will run you $800.
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Yes I did flushed system new fluid.
Did you have the issue before you changed the fluid?
The reason I ask is if it reared its ugly head after you changed steering fluid, I might suspect an airlock in the system, although I don't know that I've ever heard of such a thing. I guess it's possible in any closed loop pressurized system. I haven't thought it through, just posted this as it came to me.
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Have A 2014 JK 44,000 miles no mods.
issue is no power steering below 1000 rpm. Replaced pump still same problem. When I first start Jeep power steering works. After about 5 min starts same problem no power below 1000 rpms. turn off engine let sit for a hour then start again power steering works for 5 minutes then stops again.
any help?

I have the exact problem. How did you solve this please? Thanks in advance
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators