It's called wasted spark ignition or something. Paired cylinders fire at the same time. Now do u see why it's confusing ? All my research leads to 2 paired cylinders not firing not just 1. So in theory from research is if 1 fires the other should to and if 1 doesn't fire neither should the other 1. Makes sense to me. What doesn't make sense is why my 6 fires and 3 doesn't. If it were wiring there 1 wire that send a signal to those 2 so both would not fire. It makes sense that it is the coil but 2 coils doing the same thing ? Coincidence maybe ? My luck could be but doubtful. This is bs now. I've done tested just about everything and nothing is adding up. Hard to believe nobody has had this issue. Any chance u have a wiring diagram for an 07 ? That's another thing that seems to be confidential on the web