Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators

Hey From Montana, New Owner, New to Jeeps

So the JKU is back in MT with a freshly built tranny and on the drive back it produced 16.5 MPG. Much better than the 1st trip which was 9.5 MPG.

I'm now needing to sort out the following items:

1. It's overheating & blowing coolant out the overflow jug. Classic BHG. The engine is also making tapping noises on a cold startup so with these two potentially very expensive items, I'm probably going to do an engine swap with a reman 3.8. I'd prefer to do a V8 swap but that's not in the budget.

2. It exhibited the death wobble for the 1st time on the drive to MT after hitting a pot hole, so I'll need to troubleshoot that & try to sort it if possible.

3. It originally had rollup windows and someone converted it to power windows and really butchered the dash to silicone in 4 switches. I'm going to go back & redo it with OEM parts, including an OEM center bezel & 4switch master unit for a 4dr JK with power windows. Also going to replace the burnt or defective lamps behind the A/C controls and switch panel with LED's if possible. Same for the lower console (gearshift lighting). Parts ordered.

Would anyone have a schematic/wiring diagram for the interior lighting, power windows & door locks? It's a 2007 Wrangler Unlimited X.

4. I can't open the driver door from inside and after removing the door panel, discovered I've got a broken cable that needs replacing. Parts ordered.
Would anyone have a schematic/wiring diagram for the interior lighting, power windows & door locks? It's a 2007 Wrangler Unlimited X.
All of that is in contained in the Haynes manual. I just purchased one for something like $30 on Amazon mainly for the schematics.
Thanks tjKrider, I’ll get one of those on order ASAP.
I bought mine on Amazon - it arrived the next day. I've had Haynes manuals for other vehicles and some of the info is helpful. It's no workshop manual, but good for reference and, like I stated above, the wiring schematics.
I'm working on the aftermarket power window system that was installed in the past. My RR window isn't working at all as it's missing a rear switch & harness. I've tried to identify the system but both Electric Life & A1 Electric claim it's not their system, although the power lock system with the Avital remote locking was provided by A1. Seems strange the power window system isn't theirs, but the very unhelpful guy I talked to at A1 claims it isn't.....

Here's a pic of the LR door. Do any of you recognize this system? If I could get another switch with the attached harness, I could get this system fixed & working. I already took the LR door over to the RR side and plugged the switch harness into the door harness and voila, the RR window worked fine from both the front switches as well as the door switch.

Here's the LR door panel showing the door switch & harness connecting to the door harness:


And the RR door panel which doesn't have the door switch or harness:

RR Door Harness.jpg
I now have a new center bezel, new master switch assembly and a master switch connector with some short lengths of pigtails coming off it.

Viewed from the rear, here's the pinout, functions & colors of the conductors:

Master Switch Connector.jpg

I'm understanding that there's supposed to be a conductor for the switch lighting and one for the rear lockout. These are probably pins 2 & 3, however when I put +12 on either of these pins nothing happens. Same if I put a ground on them. Does anyone know how these are supposed to work?
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators