You have gotten lucky then. I was with my Grandpa 3 times at the cabin attempting to pull people out stuck in the snow. He is on his 4th HB winch and each time was complete gear failure, not electrical.
I thought they fix issues with the new generation:
Doesn’t look like it. I am not usually a neigh sayer and kinda let everyone do their own thing without voicing an opposing opinion. Winches are used for recovery, sometimes in lifeline situations. Would never trust my life or anyone I know to that junk. I want people to know what I know so that when they go to purchase something like that, they know what risk they are signing up for. Not just something inexpensive that looks cool and rated by mostly people who have probably never used it under real recovery situations and gave it a rating out of the box because HB sent them an email to do so right away. I hope you are one of the fortunate ones