@BLACKJKU has mentioned is spot on . Just went threw this with my 2008 Sahara .
It went on for awhile . When engine pushed on the hwy it would start to fill up reservoir.
Once enough fluid has been pushed into reservoir it starts to over heat .
My Jeep was fine in the city .
It was hwy driving that pushed it over the edge .
A leak in the head gasket allows exhaust gases to push coolant threw the system which end up in the reservoir .
As funny as it sounds . I would check my reservoir every couple days and pump out reservoir with Turkey Baster to put coolant back into rad.
If on the hwy which I tried to limit would always keep on eye on it . Pump out if necessary .
The reservoir filling is a classic head gasket failure happening . For sure get a test kit to verify .
Since I got head gaskets done , heads machined flat it’s been perfect . Yesterday 3 hours hwy driving , 6 hours on a summit trail in 30 degree C weather .
Reservoir fluid rose by maybe 1/4” - 1/2” at the most which is normal as water expands when heated . When engine cooled that extra 1/2” was automatically sucked back into rad .
The fan cane on a few times but never full blast . Low speed only. Temp gauge straight up or to left of centre when on hwy .
Fel Pro makes really good gaskets sets and head bolts for the Jeep .