My wife's 2010 JK Sport has an issue with a headlight and her battery died. I jumped the Jeep and then started trying to figure out the light issue. Determined it was an issue with a ground. Found the closest ground on the chassis and disconnected it to clean it to see if that was the issue, while the Jeep was still running. There were sparks.
I actually forgot the Jeep was running. I left it running to charge the battery but then got so caught up in what I was doing... The Jeep slowly sputtered to death. And now, when I turn the key, the dash and everything lights up, but that's it. Turning it to start does absolutely nothing. No clicking, no cranking, no nothing. I have checked fuses. I have tried cleaning that ground. I read a few other posts about testing things on the Jeep and I have discovered that there is no power going to the starter relay. I assume that is somehow related but at a complete loss as to what to try next. Anyone have any ideas?