Program Key Jscan - Jeep runs but fob buttons don’t work


JK Addict
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Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 9, 2021
Orangevale, CA
I programmed an extra key today using the Jscan app. The Jeep Starts, stays running, and the red security light does go off so that seems to be fine. The issue is none of the buttons work, lock, unlock, panic, and remote start. All those functions work on the original key. Is there somewhere else I need to make setting changes for those buttons to work? Or maybe the key is bad?
I have not yet programmed a key w/ Jscan, but I did dig into the app a bit to make changes to some other functions.
I'll say that the user interface isn't intuitive, and there are multiple places to make changes. If it were me, I would dig back into the app and see if you missed a setting or 2...
Yup that is the one I watched. For some reason the buttons don’t work.
Did you ever figure out how to get the remote start working? I am having the same issue. I just bought an iCar Pro and JSCAN to deprogram all my old keys (most have died, broke and have been discarded. I programmed two new keys and now my remote start won't work. Hoping you found a solution.
In the video comments, there is one on remote start... says to press lock, unlock, and spare button all 3 at at once. I don't have remote start, and kind of a kludge, but if it works who am I to say? Try it and let us know.

I will say, I've hit the damn "panic" button more times than I can count with this fob. I need to disable that...
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