Torque Pro users


Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2019
West Michigan
Hi All,

I know a lot of us have jScan, but I also use Torque Pro, among others. On another forum, I saw a post about making a custom PID to display TPMS data in TP. Now, I don't have to use Torque Pro for this as I have it in my EVIC. I'm just experimenting. The values that post referenced were as follows:

Position Hex Value Formula
------------ --------------- ------------------
Tire FL 0x22a020 A*92.46/255
Tire FR 0x22a021 A*92.46/255
Tire RL 0x22a022 A*92.46/255
Tire RR 0x22a023 A*92.46/255

The OBD header value was 7DA and the Diagnostic Start command value was 1003. I entered all of these values and it doesn't work.

Anyone try TPMS in a custom PID? Am I close or way off?
What year JK do you have? I've tried everything I can find on the Internet for the JK TP PID for tire pressure but can't get it to work. My JSCAN sees the TPMS data fine.
I have a 2016 with the factory evic that shows individual tire pressure. I think that's the requirement, but if you can see TPMS data in jscan, it seems you would be able to display it in torque. All I can say is the values above are what I used in my torque app and it does work on mine.
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Thanks. That's how mine is set up too. I've got the others that you have too and they work, just not the TPMS. JSCAN does see them fine.