Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts

Torque Pro users


Supporting Member
Dec 20, 2019
West Michigan
Hi All,

I know a lot of us have jScan, but I also use Torque Pro, among others. On another forum, I saw a post about making a custom PID to display TPMS data in TP. Now, I don't have to use Torque Pro for this as I have it in my EVIC. I'm just experimenting. The values that post referenced were as follows:

Position Hex Value Formula
------------ --------------- ------------------
Tire FL 0x22a020 A*92.46/255
Tire FR 0x22a021 A*92.46/255
Tire RL 0x22a022 A*92.46/255
Tire RR 0x22a023 A*92.46/255

The OBD header value was 7DA and the Diagnostic Start command value was 1003. I entered all of these values and it doesn't work.

Anyone try TPMS in a custom PID? Am I close or way off?
What year JK do you have? I've tried everything I can find on the Internet for the JK TP PID for tire pressure but can't get it to work. My JSCAN sees the TPMS data fine.
I have a 2016 with the factory evic that shows individual tire pressure. I think that's the requirement, but if you can see TPMS data in jscan, it seems you would be able to display it in torque. All I can say is the values above are what I used in my torque app and it does work on mine.
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Thanks. That's how mine is set up too. I've got the others that you have too and they work, just not the TPMS. JSCAN does see them fine.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts