Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK shifters

New Guy from New Mexico


Dec 10, 2019
Alamogordo NM
New Guy here to the forum not the Jeep. I was a member of TJ forum then I got a JK.

jeep pic 1.jpg
Awesome looking JK and welcome to the forum!

Hopefully this place ends up as good as the TJ forum :)
i hope so too and what made you start a forum for the dark side of jeeps?

Because I ended up selling my TJ and going with a JK ;)

I still love them both. In a perfect world (where I could afford both), I would own both a TJ and a JK!
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I too crossed the bridge from liking the TJ to now liking the JK. (I still have my TJ however).
But to the guy in New Mexico, welcome aboard. I have a house in West Texas and so we are practically neighbors.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK shifters