Letter color opinion?


New Member
Jan 14, 2021
We just purchased a 2018 Jeeo Wrangler and its Rhino color.....we want to personalize it with possibly a window decal or hood decal. Any recommendations for what color decal? We thought possibly black letters....we also thought of possibly going way out with yellow...any feedback? We want a nice contrast.
C'mon, man.
That's like asking someone to choose the paint color for your living room. You gotta do what looks good to you. Screw what anyone else thinks of your color/contrast choice, it's your Jeep.

Unless, of course, you go with the angry Jeep front end, at which time you should and shall be mercilessly picked on.
Honestly I would say look at the Rubicon lettering on the Rhino paint jobs, maybe do the same rhino or black on top of a red front so it gives it a bezel. Best of luck with what you decide.