Key FOB programming


New Member
Apr 10, 2024
Socorro NM
Attempting to program a fob on a 2018 Wrangler. Customer purchased with only 1 Fob. I am using Chrysler 12+8 adapter. I am using the Autel IM508. I am a retired ASE certified Tech. The error I am receiving is 10001. I checked wi-fi was connected, was connected, tried re-booting Scanner, still did not work. I have googled, and am doing exactly what it says to do, and still getting this code? Any assistance would be appreciated.
Are you running the latest version and your username and password isn't logged into another device? Did you try and check your network settings and modify them?
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The scanner is borrowed, it does need some updates. I will let my nephew know to get the scanner updated. Network settings?? My network is Starlink. My personal scanner is hooked up to my network, should I disconnect the wifi while using the other scanner? Have never had any issues before? Thanks.