JK dome light problem


New Member
Sep 29, 2020
I have 2012 Wrangler Rubicon four doors.

When I go out of the jeep and close all the doors it takes 1.5-2 minutes for the dome lite to turn off and while if I open the door again the light will turn on.

However now if I start or drive the jeep the dome light turns on and never turn off.

Bottom line: when door close and ignition is off dome light turn off after 1.5-2 min, when ignition is on dome light stays on.

This problem started after my battery went off and I had to replace it.

Any idea what wrong with it?
For troubleshooting, try disconnecting the door harness (1 at a time) to see if the problem follows/persists to a specific door? I had the opposite problem and had to replace the door harness...not hard to do. -- Just a thought.
Or you can go old school, pull the bulb out, and keep a Mag-Lite (D) in the glove. They are great for and emergency and self defense.