Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts

Cooling Fan 1 Control Circuit Malfunction Code?


Apr 29, 2020
Central IL
Have a 2017 JKU with about 40k miles. The temperature gauge started going up higher that usual and the CEL came on. I pulled over, turned the Jeep off and ran the heater for about 15 minutes and the temperature gauge went back to the normal range. I was able to drive with no issues. I stopped at an Auto Zone and ran the code, P0480 cooling fan 1 control circuit malfunction. Anyone have this issue, trying to determine that this will cost? Thanks much.
Have you checked the fuses? If there's a blown fuse, you'll need to determine what caused it.

The motors for these fans don't have thermal protection circuits, so if the fuse is blown because the windings have a short then the fan may still run, just slower because the resistance will have increased greatly.

I would check the fuse and power the fan. Easiest way to do this is with an app and an obd2 dongle.
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There should be a relay for the fan and the temp sensor in the engine. Does your dash temp gauge still read correctly?
Is the fan coming on at all? I remember someone else having a issue and it was the fans relay.
Found this forum and thread because of my P0480 code on my 2008... So far what I have figured out is probably a TIPM problem. Fan will not run on low speed, automatically goes to high and sets the check engine light. Fan is good, 60a fuse is good, engine temp sensor is good, fan resistor is good, both fan relays are good. Jumping the switch side of the low speed fan relay (TIPM mounted) it does work just fine on low speed. Checking power to the fan relay in the TIPM it seems like ground voltage is low, only 9.5v. Positive side is a full 12v. Other grounds located in TIPM are good and at full power.

So if you're at a dead end, do some testing at the low speed relay. Remove it and swap it with another. If no change pull it and jump the 2 switched contacts with a short piece of wire (diagram showing which pins are the switched ones is right on the relay). If the fan comes on (with key on, engine warmed up) then check the other 2 pins with a volt meter. You should have 12v. If not, check one pin on the relay connector and one of the battery posts... so meter on one of the relay power pins, other meter lead directly to battery. Then do the other pin. This will show you if it's the positive or negative relay pin that is not getting a full 12v.
I have dowloaded on my laptop diagfca$29 and bought on amazon usd to obd2 wire 30$ and from there tried to start the fan from the pcm. I heard the pcm and also the relay in the tipm and had 12 volt at the pictail. Disconnected the battery and red wire to the tipm and slowly pull the box. From the pigtail i followed where the wire could end up and saw that it was corroded pulled a bit on it and it broke. Put the tester on ohm to check continuety that was the wire. Did a connection and that was it. I had both po480 and po693. So guys i would look there
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts