Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators

Changed spark plugs & ignition coils, now oil dripping out the bottom


New Member
Mar 23, 2025
I just changed spark plugs and ignition coils on all 6 cylinders on Jeep Wrangler 2016 V6. I turn it on and no engine light comes on, i drive it to the front of my house and see a trail of oil. I look at the engine and see NO oil around coils, hoses or anything from looking at the engine top view, and from underneath it looks like it is coming from the back area behind cylinder 6 area. How do i truly figure out where the oil is coming from? i didnt replace the gaskets, maybe i should do that? could i have overtightened the upper intake manifold (i torqued to 7 ft/lbs on those bolts)? Any advice would help!
I've seen a lot of variety in torque specs for the upper manifold, anywhere from 7.5 to almost 9ft lbs. Maybe back them all off a little and start the sequence over and get closer to 7.5 - 8ft lbs?

And the gaskets are not that expensive. I would have replaced them while I was in there.
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I've seen a lot of variety in torque specs for the upper manifold, anywhere from 7.5 to almost 9ft lbs. Maybe back them all off a little and start the sequence over and get closer to 7.5 - 8ft lbs?

And the gaskets are not that expensive. I would have replaced them while I was in there.

I figured it out this morning! Saw oil pooled by the oil filter/cooler housing and had just watched an exact video about replacing that last night and its pooled in the same spot. Not sure how my changing the spark plugs caaused this fitler to fail. maybe i bumped it? so strange but happy to replace it anyways!
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Jeeps are finicky, they have emotions. Tick em off and they will make another project for you.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators