steering wheel play

  1. Blessedby.3

    HELP! Vent window seal, Play in steering wheel

    Hello! New to Jeep ownership and I’m looking for help on replacing the seal around the driver rear vent window. The previous owner’s dog chewed one side of the seal and I’d like to replace just that small piece, but I wasn’t sure if I had to buy the entire glass assembly. Additionally, I have a...
  2. Jeeperscreeperslaguna

    Steering clunk and steering play—intermediate steering shaft turns to the right

    I own a 2010 Jeep Jk. Bought it used at 120k miles. Seems to be well taken care of but I've noticed there's a light clunk that you can kind of hear but mostly feel it through the steering wheel. At the same time, there's also some play in the wheel.. a little more than there should be. I've also...