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  1. Lxxtsy

    How do I turn ECO mode off?

    There's no way of turning it off on my 17.
  2. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Nice rig, welcome to the forum.
  3. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    If so, get a fishing line and use a back and forth motion like a saw. You should be able to rub off the remaining glue with your clean fingers.
  4. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Think it's adhesive, I'm assuming your talking about the word Jeep on the grill correct?
  5. Lxxtsy

    Factory JKU Running Boards Strength?
  6. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Nice, lol...looks like I need to buy some ducks now
  7. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Got Ducked yesterday lol...anyone else get Ducked?
  8. Lxxtsy

    1999 TJ to a 2013 JK

    nice rigs
  9. Lxxtsy

    Intermittent Start Issue

    How many miles on the Jk? any CEL codes? when was the last time the spark plugs were changed? make sure your ground points are clean.
  10. Lxxtsy

    Rear Differential Fluid

    Pretty funny that its a Ford product. I use that in my Mustang.....hmmmm, wonder if I can shoe horn my 347/5 spd. in the Jeep? lol
  11. Lxxtsy

    TeraFlex 2.5" Sport ST2 Lift

    How long have you had the tires? pretty aggressive side wall and I like it. Keep us posted with some reviews.
  12. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Bought a pair of JKUR rock sliders off CL for $40, could not pass up the deal. Got tired of the stepper look
  13. Lxxtsy

    New to the JK world need advice!

    Have you looked at Currie/Savvy/Metalcloak or AEV for suspension upgrades since you had them on your TJ. Nice Tj BTW, I have a 98 5spd and love it.
  14. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    lol, I love it. I can see why you cannot find it on the web, hahahaha
  15. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    The decals in your avatar? lol
  16. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Holy cow, that's a pricey decal but badass, lol. I'm digging the gold accent with the black.
  17. Lxxtsy

    What did you do to your JK today?

    This was done last week. I got bored with the grey wheels and wanted something different. Black hides the wheel, so i decided to paint the wheels white. I know I'll get some blow back, lol, but its peelable paint. I think it looks okay. Will see how long they last...
  18. Lxxtsy

    2012 Sport / Stock wheels?

    5x127 is correct. There should be a stamping inside of the wheel with the size.
  19. Lxxtsy

    Thoughts on this 2014 JKU? Good or bad deal?

    I coated the under carriage of the jeep with fluid film, awesome stuff. You might want to look into it since your out east.
  20. Lxxtsy

    2015 JKU Undercarriage Protection

    Once FF completely dries, you can wash the frame to clean debris off.