Search results

  1. tJKrider

    Fuel Economy: Model & Engine Size?

    Everything is relative... I can travel almost twice as far in my Wrangler on a gallon of gas vs. my SuperDuty!
  2. tJKrider

    Suspension Recommendations

    What is not stock about his rig? I agree with @BLACKJKU regarding pressure. What tire is your buddy running and what pressure? That would a good comparison. For reference I just swapped my OEM Sahara springs/shocks for OEM Rubicon springs/shocks and the ride improved in my mind, but...
  3. tJKrider

    New to Jeep and need help with driving issues

    That is sound advice. I would be inclined to have a fluid flush done first and see if the situation improves.
  4. tJKrider

    New to Jeep and need help with driving issues

    Thx. With 35's and stock gearing (my assumption) you are putting more stress on the transmission and powertrain in general. Depending on how long those have been on it could be part of the root cause for the relatively early failure. Do you happen to know what final drive gear ratio you...
  5. tJKrider

    New to Jeep and need help with driving issues

    How many miles are currently on your Wrangler?
  6. tJKrider

    Fuel Economy: Model & Engine Size?

    Welcome. Note that all numbers provided here will most likely be given in US mpg. Multiply by ~1.2 for UK mpg.
  7. tJKrider

    Spacer Recommendation / Help

    This is a key point along with the post from @BLACKJKU ... Spacers are ok if you purchase a quality part and include them in your regular maintenance routine. They are not an "install and forget about them" type of component.
  8. tJKrider

    Ryobi 1 gallon tank battery compressor

    I wouldn't buy it as an inflator, but if you are looking for other uses that require a tank it would probably be good in a pinch for certain air tools, etc. I have a lot of their 18V tools and have had really good luck with them, including a couple different 18V inflators.
  9. tJKrider

    Would 285/70R17 Maxxis Razr 811 tires fit the original wheels?

    Typically guidance is that they may rub slightly at full lock with no lift or spacer. Yours having Rubicon springs maybe you'll be ok..
  10. tJKrider

    What did you do to your JK today?

    Did you have some symptoms that led you to this or just high mileage?
  11. tJKrider

    JL bumper adventure

    Welcome! With anything Jeep-related it's about the journey... Embrace it!
  12. tJKrider

    Back up camera issue

    I would try to power and trigger the camera independently as a test. When I installed the Brandmotion camera in mine I was having a similar problem with no camera feed to the head unit. First thing I did was test the camera with a lead from a small 12V battery I had on hand although you may...
  13. tJKrider

    Describe this JK in five words or less

    That's more than five words... 😉
  14. tJKrider

    Roof rack questions

    Since you were not the one to install it, do you actually use the roof rack? If it were mine I would take it off and never look back, but one of the reasons I purchased my Wrangler was to enjoy the open air experience. I realize everyone has different priorities...
  15. tJKrider

    2 door overlander

    No input but curious to see what you come up with for the final build!
  16. tJKrider

    One hell of a 392 JK build!

  17. tJKrider

    Describe this JK in five words or less

    "Intentional overestimation of driver ability"
  18. tJKrider

    New to Jeep and need help with driving issues

    Yep, that's what I did. Brandmotion reverse camera for the factory head unit. It was plug and play but one adapter harness had a bad pin. Crutchfield helped me debug and find the issue and then got another one out to me the next day. Great customer service!
  19. tJKrider

    Hey From Montana, New Owner, New to Jeeps

    I bought mine on Amazon - it arrived the next day. I've had Haynes manuals for other vehicles and some of the info is helpful. It's no workshop manual, but good for reference and, like I stated above, the wiring schematics.
  20. tJKrider

    Hey From Montana, New Owner, New to Jeeps

    All of that is in contained in the Haynes manual. I just purchased one for something like $30 on Amazon mainly for the schematics.