Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts

P0741 Trouble code


New Member
May 9, 2021
Mesa, AZ
I just had code P0741 pop up with possible issues of low or dirty transmission fluid, faulty TCC solenoid, valve circuit. I had the tranny flushed and serviced with no luck. The vehicle is driving sluggish at times. Real noticeable on the freeway. I'll be driving and all of a sudden I lose 50% of my power for 30 seconds and then in kicks back in. I believe it's also causing my ECT to be running hatter then normal. It's running around 220 with going up to 230-235 when getting on the freeway. Just changed the water pump and heater core with no luck. Before I go and replace the TCC solenoid and possibly other solenoids I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Not really wanting to replace a tranny.
From what I found out about that problem I was just thinking maybe there's a recall for that issue.

So I replaced the TCC solenoid which could have been one of the causes with no luck. It doesn’t do it as bad but still doing it. Next thing I’m thinking of changing is the TCM. That is next in line from the solenoid. We will see!
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Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts