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The passenger compartment in a Smart Car is enclosed in a structure that passes as a roll cage by NASCAR standards. With airbags and seatbelts (assuming people are smart enough to wear them) they're as safe as any vehicle on the road.

The Smart Car earned a 4-star rating from the NHTSA for frontal impacts, a 5-star rating for side impacts, and a 5-star rollover rating.

The Wrangler earned a 4-star rating for frontal and side impacts, and a 3-star rollover rating...

We do a lot of traveling. My family is Scottish, and I spent most of my youth in the UK and Spain. Mrs. Dog had never traveled before we got married, so I've been trying to help her catch up. We travel south 3-4 times a year for dive trips. I'll drive in Europe. I'll drive on some of the islands. I will absolutely not drive in Mexico.