Locker Override and/or JL Switch Install


Supporting Member
May 25, 2024
Carrollton, TX
I have been doing some research on this locker override/bypass switch and the JL switch and not finding much. Has anyone done anything regarding this to provide more control over the lockers and make the switch bank look better. I would love to find a way to use the override kit and integrate it into a JL style switch setup for my 2015 JK.

I am a little worried about accidentally hitting the locker switch while driving. I think they would be optimum if there was a master switch that killed the override switches in some way. I am not a wiring guru though.

Any thoughts on this? Feel free to flame away. It may all be a horrible idea.
Nope, though it would be nice to have more control. Which got me to reading about your idea and lead me to other forums.

Several people mention using the JScan app to lock as needed. I have seen the buttons while in trail view but never tired them, give that a shot and see what you think. I would test mine, but the jeep is MIA currently due to some off-road shenanigans.