I have a 2011 JKU and my remote will not work. When the driver door is open it dings non stop like the keys are in the ignition or the lights were left on. I replaced my ignition switch today and as soon as I plug the new one in without even attaching it to the steering column it starts dinging again. The little rod that on the ignition that tells the switch weather the key is in it is not broken or gummed up. I was just about to give up and I pressed the button on my key and it worked (while the new ignition switch wasn’t even attached to the column but was plugged in). I reassembled and the beeping didn’t stop but the remote worked. Everything worked perfectly for over an hour until I cranked the jeep. After I cranked it the remote stopped working again and hasn’t worked since. Nothing appears to be damaged and it worked for awhile so I really don’t know what to do next.