Jeep Wrangler JK Fuse Box Diagram


Staff Member
Sep 28, 2015
Gillette, WY
A fuse box diagram is handy in that it identifies exactly where a fuse is located within your fuse box, how much amperage it uses and what component(s) it services. Because energy is always flowing to and from your fuses, as well as the components that make up your jeep, there is no set time or interval period during which you should change them. Simply change broken fuses as necessity warrants doing so. Let's take a look at the fuse box diagram for your 2007 to present Jeep Wrangler, as well as go over a few commonly asked questions for which you are sure to want to know the answer.

2007-2018 Jeep Wrangler Fuse Box Diagram

Loss of Power
If you experience loss of power to the air conditioner controls in your Jeep Wrangler, along with combined loss of power to both power outlets 1 and 2, you most likely are dealing with multiple bad fuses.
  • Check fuses M5, M6 and M7 right away.
  • For loss of power to power outlet 1, check fuse M6.
  • For loss of power to power outlet 2, check fuse M7.

Figure 1. You won't need a mechanic to change a blown fuse for you.

Layout of Fuse Box Diagram
This is a short list of just some of the fuses you'll find listed on your fuse box diagram:
  • J1 = Power Folding Seat
  • J2 = Transfer Case/Power Lift Gate Module
  • J3 = Rear Door Module
  • J4 = Driver Door Node
  • J5 = Passenger Door Node
  • J6 = Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Pump/ESP
  • J7 = Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) Valve/ESP
  • M22 = Right Horn
  • M23 = Left Horn
  • M24 = Rear Wiper
  • M25 = Fuel Pump
  • M26 = Power Mirror Switch, Driver Window Switch
  • M27 = Ignition Switch, Window Module

Figure 2. Your fuse box diagram is easy to read.

Number of Fuses (in total) and Individual Amperage
Your Jeep Wrangler has about 60 fuses with power spanning from 10 amperage (red) to 60 amperage (yellow). Here's a brief breakdown:
  • Red: 10 amp
  • Blue: 15 amp
  • Natural: 25 amp
  • Pink: 30 amp
  • Green: 40 amp
  • Yellow: 60 amp
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I purchase replacement fuses?
Replacement fuses are available online as well as through local auto parts stores and big box retailers for as little as $1 to $2; assortment packs are also available.

How do I identify a broken fuse?
The first indicator that a fuse is broken is the component connected to the fuse will stop functioning properly; if it functions at all. In terms of physical indicators, the fuse will appear dark in color and the center strip will be broken, thin, frayed or damaged.

How do I remove a broken fuse?
The easiest way to remove a broken fuse is using a fuse puller; your fuse box should have come with a fuse puller. You can also use a pair of tweezers. When installing a new fuse, it's highly recommended that you wear cotton gloves. Doing so will protect the new fuse from any hidden oils that may be on your hands.