Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts

Jeep running hot


New Member
May 9, 2021
Mesa, AZ
Alright guys, I know this has been touched on but just wanted to see if anyone has new info. My 2013 JK ECT always runs at 220 plus or minus a few degrees. When getting on the freeway it jumps to 230 plus or minus a few degrees. The actual temp gauge climbs as well. I’ve changed the water pump and thermostat with no change. I see people saying this is normal but I am just having a hard time believing this. Anyone else having the same issues?
Have a 2015 JK and I can offer you this. I'm in Florida, on a hot 90º day coming home in stop and go traffic runs at 198+/- if I stop at a red light (can be up to 4 minutes) will climb to 215º. Once I take off it drops right down again. On the highway with plenty of air hitting the grill does not go over 200º. Hope this helps.
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Have you checked to be sure your radiator is free of bugs and leaves?

Did you get all the air out of your cooling system when you had it open?
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Couple thoughts as I recently replaced my thermostat:
1. After install the temp was steady and in a good place. However, the temp gauge was spiking up and down intermittently. Let it cool, took the radiator cap off and topped off with coolant there instead of the reservoir. Was perfect afterwards. Pockets of air in the system will cause temp fluctuations. If you fill via the radiator, it forces the air back out the cap, so you'll put some coolant down the funnel, it'll settle and you'll get a burp, continue until the coolant is at the top and no more burping.

2. If you have JScan, you can change the temp the cooling fan comes on. Maybe adjust it 5 degrees lower?
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Just thought of this is it doing it with your AC on? If so drive with it off and windows down and see if it runs hot.

I believe that fan is a 2 speed and possibly the high speed isn't coming on when the AC is on.
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Yeah, I’ve burped it. Getting ready to change my TCC solenoid in the transmission as I’m having issues with it and that may be causing it to run hot as well. Didn’t think about adjusting the fan. Thanks.
Might put the front of the Jeep up higher and let it sit with the cap off for a while just to make sure all air is out. But I did rear that if the Torque Converter Solenoid was bad it will make thew Jeep run hotter. It should put out a code from what I read from another member have a similar problem.
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Might put the front of the Jeep up higher and let it sit with the cap off for a while just to make sure all air is out. But I did rear that if the Torque Converter Solenoid was bad it will make thew Jeep run hotter. It should put out a code from what I read from another member have a similar problem.
Funny thing, I had those grill inserts installed and removed them. Runs a little cooler on the streets but not the highway. Got the JScan tool and can’t find where I can adjust what temp it turns on at. I also noticed my fan doesn’t switch on until around 220. It also sounds weak when it turns on and switching from low to high. No change when I run the a/c versus not running it. So I’m thinking either the fan or fan relay? Just weird. Never had a vehicle with the gage fluctuating like this.
Couple thoughts as I recently replaced my thermostat:
1. After install the temp was steady and in a good place. However, the temp gauge was spiking up and down intermittently. Let it cool, took the radiator cap off and topped off with coolant there instead of the reservoir. Was perfect afterwards. Pockets of air in the system will cause temp fluctuations. If you fill via the radiator, it forces the air back out the cap, so you'll put some coolant down the funnel, it'll settle and you'll get a burp, continue until the coolant is at the top and no more burping.

2. If you have JScan, you can change the temp the cooling fan comes on. Maybe adjust it 5 degrees lower?
are you positive you can adjust that fan turn on temp? I was told NO by Jscan customer service... I'd buy one one in a minute if you can.
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are you positive you can adjust that fan turn on temp? I was told NO by Jscan customer service... I'd buy one one in a minute if you can.
I was mistaken about using JScan to change the temp setting for the fan. I was reading something about how to change the temp setting while researching my JScan.

I've read that Bullydog GT and FlashPaq will allow this, but I can't confirm and have conflicting reports for both. I was also told a couple tuner makers will allow it, but you have to send your PCM to them.

I've also been told that a resistor or relay swap may be able to change the temp setting. Your relay may be the problem, going back and reading your original post. Are you still having the same issues?
I noticed mine runs hotter when in 4 wheel drive with AC on. Seems to be fine with AC on city driving. Is this something I should be worried about or get something looked at?
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK engine mounts