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09 wrangler Rubicon manual transmission.  I'm at my wits end with this thing.  It's had a phantom starting issue since January.  It turns over just fine but takes 3-5 attempts to actually start.  Has gotten to where when it starts it stumbles and dies but then it'll crank up no problem at all.  No driveability issues other than a few weeks ago it would randomly lose throttle response.  I changed the crankshaft position sensor and the ignition switch and I thought it fixed everything but then about a week later the starting issue came back.  It has had the fuel pump and entire fuel tank replaced.  Map sensor replaced, pcv replaced.  New battery.  The check engine light is not on so service centers won't even look at it.  It idles just fine, no missing, no stuttering, no lagging in power.  Might be getting worse gas mileage but not by much.