Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators

Exhaust manifold torque


New Member
Apr 12, 2021
I read a how to in this forum about replacing an exhaust manifold on a 3.8 jk. I'm confused about the bolt torque of 22 ft lbs with anti seize. The info I find says the torque spec is 200 in pounds. Which I believe is in between 16 to 17 ft lbs. Is there a reason for the increased torque value as stated in the how to guide?
Well, the crappy part is I read the how to guide on this forum and did the manifold. Then I later found out about the lower torque value. So my bolts are torqued to 22 ft lbs with antiseize according to the how to guide. My understanding is antiseize can make bolts torque more than the value on the torque wrench. Could this damage the threads in the aluminum? Is antiseize called for in your Chilton's with the 17 ft lbs torque value?
No it didn't mention anything about anti-seize at all in the torque section or the R&R of the exhaust manifolds. But I do know that anti-seize is recommended when putting steel into aluminum.

Anytime a lubricant is put on bolt threads it will make them go tighter. As far as your question about damaging the threads, alot depends on how many threads are going into the aluminum. The more threads the stronger the holding in aluminum.

I don't have much experience with working on engines with aluminum components like cylinder heads to be able to correctly answer your question.
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I don't think 5lbs will matter. You should be okay. The fear I have with aluminum is having the threads let loose.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators