Does anyone have any experience with the RIPP superchargers CAI?


New Member
Apr 11, 2020
I'm looking to upgrade my CAI and have narrowed down to a few options.. does anyone have good info or reviews on the "Ripp superchargers CAI kit?"
It's the air filters that make them the best for performance. If you can get the specs on how much air the filters flow then you'd be able to make the best decision. I found this but it doesn't give the flow charts to back any of them up.

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A cold air intake isn't going to do anything at all for performance, period.

Not unless you plan on opening up the cylinder heads with a good port job, and adding some properly sized long tube headers.

With the stock heads and exhaust manifold though, you'll gain ZERO from going to a cold air intake. I know what you're thinking, "But I've seen people say they gained 2-3 HP."

Nope, those are negligible gains which can be chalked up to nothing more than temperature variances, altitude, engine temp, and much more.

However, in the case of a supercharger, the stock airbox may not be possible to be re-used, in which case a CAI might be your only option.