Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators

ABS Engaging For no reason while driving? Happened 3x in the last 6 months

I had that happen due to flexing pulling wires off the axle, they were rubbing against the wheel and intermittently shorting and engaging the abs. Zip ties and electrical tape for the fix. Cheap and easy 😁, I like those fixes….
Thanks for the response, ill have it apart this week end to replace all the sensors and since i have it apart going to upgrade the rotors and brakes with power stop truck&tow kit
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Maybe it's a problem with the ESP, for me I hate it so i'm not fixing my ABS/ESP lights problem. Not sure if the ESP would have a problem if it would set off a code or not, they are tied in together.
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK radiators