A/C Compressor Removal and Install Help


New Member
Apr 12, 2020
Bloomsburg, PA
Hello Wrangler JK Forum jeepers,

I’m looking for a guide on the the proper removal and install of an A/C compressor. My 2007 JKU 3.8L, needs a new one, the A/C clutch is a horror to look at, definitely needs replaced.

I haven’t done this particular project before, so just want to get my ducks in a row beforehand. Any direction is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
I watched different videos so many times to gain my confidence.
Make sure to add the exact appropriate amount of oil.
You need a bungee cord to suspend the compressor up there.
A combination ratchet wrench for the bolts in a very tight spot.

It is about 4 hour job and 2 beers, good luck!

Edit: 4 hours bec. I did it twice for I bolted the bottom with the serpentine belt looped into it - hard to explain but I lied on the 2 beers :)
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  • Wow
Reactions: Chris
If all what's wrong is the clutch you should be able to just replace that, anyway the older vehicles you could. And if replacing the clutch you should be able to do that without removing the entire compressor and just take the belt off. If you want to remove the compressor from the engine you'll need someone with a machine to take all the AC coolant from it and then when you put it back on you'll have to take it somewhere to have it charged back up.

Not sure if there are any special tools needed to remove the clutch or not.

Well I was doing some searching and from what I found you can't just replace the clutch which is hard to believe. It's just another way for them to make you pay more for something that can be replaced. Looks as though if mine ever gets bad it's going to be deleted.
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Blackjku no offense but I don't think you have done this yourself in the past and so you are just surfing for your answer.

I have done it myself and my experience is replacing the whole A/C compressor assembly is easy and way cheaper than going to a shop and get the clutch fixed.

I say go for it North!