Got a 07. Done them couple of times. U can go thru the inner fender on passenger side to get no.5 but you have to take all that out. Pain in the ass there too. I do mine through the top. Pop air box hose and bungee it back out of the way. Small extension will get 1and 3 pretty easy then. I crawl all the way up in the engine bay to get no. 5. Very short extension for it. Take your time with it. It can be done. U will be bleeding by then. At that point stop and have a beer

or 2. When u do the wires for that side pop your old wires loose one at a time and duct tape the new one to the old one. Pull the old one out the passenger side which will pull your new one right into the place it needs to be. If u pull all 3 out and then try to fish them through then if your not a cussing man I assure u u will be. It can be done just take your time