Recent content by shipjim1

  1. shipjim1

    Front Mud Guard / Flap

    I guess not rust proof?
  2. shipjim1

    JK leaking with 89k miles and new rear main seal

    Grim, how much $$are you willing to spend to find source vs just add oil from time to tome?
  3. shipjim1

    Opinion on this wheel set up please

    I run 35x18x12.5 with uplift no issues except the tires mounted weigh a ton. I keep a spare on an external mount and swing away to relieve pressure on the body and door. You only need the spare once off loading and I did, made me a believer.
  4. shipjim1

    Main and rod bearings on 2011 3.8

    I had a granny failure so while it was out I had rear main, seal and oil pan seal replaced. I figured they'd go some day so at 110000mi it was done. No problems, I went with a Jasper rebuild and so far(25,000mi) so good. 2009 Jkur.
  5. shipjim1

    Loud noise developed today

    Hey Jay, I live in Montgomery too. I belong to MOCO Jeeps but not real active anymore.
  6. shipjim1

    Factory steel bumper winch capable?

    Tr y for a frane mount. They can pull off.
  7. shipjim1

    What did you do to your JK today?

    I bought one for my jku 09 which goes into the CD player. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a slot where you put around flat thing which play much like a record player....never mind.
  8. shipjim1

    Jeep Wrangler stuck in park

    Could be the little nylon connectors on the linkeage under the shifter console. They're a pain to get to. But I've had problems before both for my auto shifter and 4x shifter.
  9. shipjim1

    Best places to buy a remanufactured transmission online?

    I bought one for my Chrysler Aspen from LKQ, anational company with warranty. On my JKUR I bought one from Jasper. I really like its performance.
  10. shipjim1

    Power steering is out, radiator is cracked, and exhaust manifold issues

    jeep....Just Empty Every Pocket Boat Bust Out Another Thousand I'm a two time loser!!
  11. shipjim1

    Arkansas Arkansas jeeping

    Looking for a good place to use our JKUR To meet a friend from Birmingham AL, I'm from Houston. Want some challenging trails not enough to wreck the jeep but have fun. Lots of experience in the Rockies, Moab, AZ and hill country tx. Not a heavy murder. Jeeps well equipped with spare fuel cans...
  12. shipjim1

    Wandering steering on my 2011 JK Rubicon

    Get 4 wheel. Alignment. I run 35s at 33 lbs. Have a large steering wheel no frills so my steering is a bit of a wandering creature but I'm so used to it I don't notice any more. May make whoever is behind me a bit nervous!
  13. shipjim1

    Where do I find these bolts?

    I've used a freeze out spray which shrinjs the bolt though money wasn't that rusty.
  14. shipjim1

    Trying to make decision on tire size for my 2010 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited

    I'm thinking that's what 4 low Is for, steep slopes up and down. In really tough grad I'll use lockers but do make tight turns tough.