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    • Dan44
      Dan44 reacted to Dirty Dog's post in the thread Stuck heater controls with Like Like.
      Your problem is most likely the blend door actuator. Super common for them to fail on these Wranglers.
    • Dan44
      Dan44 reacted to Dirty Dog's post in the thread Stuck heater controls with Like Like.
      That can happen. My wife managed to prevent her AC from working because of an overloaded glovebox.
    • Dan44
      Dan44 reacted to Snowbird Tom's post in the thread Stuck heater controls with Like Like.
      Could be a dirty connection. If you’ve still got access to the connectors, use some contact cleaner on both ends of every connection...
    • Dan44
      Dan44 replied to the thread Stuck heater controls.
      I'm going to guess a loose connection. or a stuck motor. The resistor pack was pulled and tested to be good, .6 ohm, 1.2 ohm, and 3...
    • Dan44
      Dan44 replied to the thread Stuck heater controls.
      I'm still trying to understand this. I fixed the bent cable only to lose power to the fan or controls. My only guess is somehow I blew...
    • Dan44
      Dan44 replied to the thread Stuck heater controls.
      I did my research on YT, more so to see how to open up the dash. Then to find if any others had the same problem. Turns out there is a...
    • Dan44
      Dan44 replied to the thread Trying for a second key..
      My first trip to the dealer didn't end well. But they are willing to make me a happy camper, so to speak. I have a $260 key that will...
    • Dan44
      I have an 08 JKU. I've had it about a month and now that fall is approaching I find my heater controls appear to be stuck. It won't...
    • Dan44
      Hello, I purchased a 2008 Wrangler and the previous owner only had one key. I'm trying to get a second key made but I'm running into...
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