Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK shifters

2016 Jeep Wrangler JK won’t start and has a "hot oil" message on dash

I have a 2016 Jeep wrangler with only 30,000 miles on it and I just had to put a new transmission in it and now it’s saying hot oil on the dash when I tried to start it and it had been sitting for over 2 hours and wouldn’t start only thing that worked was to turn the switch on put it in neutral turned the switch again and it started does anyone know what that means…

Have you tried doing a ECM reset?
I have a 2016 Jeep wrangler with only 30,000 miles on it and I just had to put a new transmission in it and now it’s saying hot oil on the dash when I tried to start it and it had been sitting for over 2 hours and wouldn’t start only thing that worked was to turn the switch on put it in neutral turned the switch again and it started does anyone know what that means…
Check the TIPM relays. Unfortunately, the OP didn't provide detail on which one was bad but possibly you are experiencing the same failure?
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Idk how to do that and how do u do that
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I have a 2016 Jeep Wrangler with same issues! Delayed starting, engine jerking when put in gear, hot oil light & traction control light coming on. Took it to dealership, they cleaned grounds and changed the transmission temp sensor. Ran fine for a few days, but issues started again, along with the check engine light this time. Did changing the TIPM relay alleviate the problems?
Restarting this conversation with a little bit of a twist.

I have had similar issues to what everyone else here has had. I'm going to walk through the things that I've done although I have not yet fixed the problem so I'd like recommendations on the next step.

2017 Jeep Wrangler Sport, V6, 50,000 miles.
Symptoms are identical to many of the very first post. These things happen, hot/cold, after sitting for 3 days or for 3 minutes in a parking lot.
Depress brake, turn on key and the engine either stutters or I get nothing but chimes from the dash.​
Occasional "HOT OIL" indicator light​
Occasional clicking from relays in the TIPM, sometimes very rapid, like a buzz sometimes slower (1/2 second).​
8 to 10 tries of cycling power and the engine does turn over.​
NO issues while driving​
NO issues shifting (automatic transmission).​

What did I try all of these had zero impact
I hooked up a trickle charger to battery, also hooked up my F250 Diesel on jumper cables. No impact.​
Swapped R5 and R6 relays assume they both can't be bad at the same time and R5 is the important relay for starting​
Checked all ground connections using an ohm meter​
Pulled TIPM completely out, removed all relays and fuses. Washed what I could with CRC electrical cleaner. Applied dielectric compound to all connectors. Reinstalled TIPM.​
Now here's a little bit of information I have NOT seen here on the forum. When the key is on and get all the chimes and "HOT OIL" indication, leave the key "ON", walk around to the TIPM and rap it with my knuckles. Yes literally like knocking on it to wake it up. Something (Relay) in the TIPM closes, fuel pump kicks on (assume that's the noise I hear) and then when I go back to the ignition and turn to "START" position the engine will start all the time.

I went to the dealership and spoke with a tech. He said very quickly when I described the issue was to replace the TIPM. It's an $811 part through MOPAR.

Thoughts on this? Should I bite the bullet and assume it's the TIPM?
NO TIPM's listed for Wrangler on their site.

Reach out to them. They may not have any cores for your vehicle… they also offer repair services.
Not sure if that’s an option on yours, depends on what has failed.
If you opt to repair yours, they will advise regarding the process and cost.
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I bought a new TIPM Module from Mopar Online ~$820. There were some rebuild shops but with shipping the cost was within $100 of the new so I went for the new.

Removal and installation took less than an hour.

Attempted the basic restart/reprogramming recommendation - turn key to on position for 12 seconds, off then back to on. I had a check engine light, E-Brake and Airbag light all on. Hooked up my buddies Snap-On scan tool that was fairly new, programmed the VIN and cleared all the codes.

Good to go.

As stated before my symptoms were non-starting at various times cold or hot didn't matter. Never a problem when running. Occasional Hot Oil message. Tried multiple things before this repair. Reseated all connections and fuses, swapped R5 relay, hooked up charger to battery to ensure 13.5 V and even hooked up jumpers to F250, tried clearing memory, tried shifting in and out of Neutral.

Hoping this sticks for a while, I've heard the TIPM is fairly week on these vehicles. Susceptible to water damage and corrosion
Novak Conversions Jeep Wrangler JK shifters